Our Project

This section of the website is purely for class purposes and wouldn’t be included in the actual project. 

Our target audience is a population who has access to  movies and to the internet, but who perhaps lack a comprehensive formal Holocaust education. While our website could definitely be a resource for educators, our main mission is to serve individuals who will not experience formal education about these movies, and who do not have access to Holocaust curriculum material as guidance. 

With regards to access to our material, we recognize that this project only reaches individuals with internet access. However, as the project expands, it could feasibly be turned into a print resource, and reach a larger audience. Additionally, this website is only an example of what the full resource would look like. If we were to create it in full, it would eventually include other Holocaust texts as well (ideally all Holocaust films), thus further widening the audience.  

If we were to expand this website in the future, we would add more movies as they were released (and even other texts) to become a more comprehensive database of all Holocaust movies, and perhaps in future years, all movies about genocide. This process would greatly enhance the future recommendations sections since there would be more options of acceptable texts to recommend.

We would also include a rating system about the historical accuracy of the movies. This would be created by Holocaust scholars in order to ensure that people who visit our website will understand the historical content of the Holocaust. Unfortunately, we didn’t have the data available to include that in our prototype. 

If commenters/viewers disagree with our rating system, we will provide a contact us page for specifically this purpose, and will absolutely allow (respectful) dissenting opinions to exist on the discussion boards, with the goal of promoting curiosity and debate.

We see a specific value in a public discussion board, which would be specifically geared towards in depth questions about the movie. We will expand to have a paid staff member to monitor this board, and any questions/comments submitted would be vetted through this individual. Additionally, any questions about historical accuracy in films answered by this person if possible.

Lastly, we were limited by the free version of wordpress and therefore would like to acknowledge that this website is slightly more basic than we would like. For example, the images on the “movies” page aren’t clickable and therefore don’t create an engaging environment. In the full idea we would have a more engaging website that included more video clips and interactive components.